After making an impressive cameo in superstar Rajinikanth’s Jailer (2023) and mesmerising his fans with Ghost, Dr Shiva Rajkumar is busy shooting for his next Kannada film "Uttarakaanda". The makers officially confirmed it by sharing a photo of him with the film’s team via social media.
It is directed by Rohith Padaki, who previously directed Rathnan Prapancha, Dayavittu Gamanisi. Set in North Karnataka, the film is said to be a gangster drama and will feature Shivarajkumar in an important role.
Actor-producer Daali Dhananjaya will be seen as a gangster in it. Ramya plays the female lead. The film will mark the comeback of actress-turned-politician Ramya, though she made a cameo in Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare, Ramya was last seen in a lead role for Nagarahavu in 2016. The film is backed by KRG Studios.